Housing, Theory and Society37(4).(2020)

Housing, Theory and Society37(4).(2020)



①The Council Estate and “Being Placed”: Everyday Resistances to the Stigmatization of Community

Sarah Leaney


Building upon contemporary analyses of the interconnections between stigmatized places and identity formation, this paper explores processes of place-based identity formation on a British council estate. Connecting post-structural theorisations of identity and space, the paper explores the tensions between structure and agency implicit within theorisations of place-based identity as a community. Conceptualising the entanglement of structure and agency in place making as “being placed”, this paper offers an analysis of contradictions inherent in a structurally located agency. Founded upon ethnographic research of the material and cultural conditions of “being placed” on The Estate, the paper explores everyday resistances to place-based identity and the stigmatization of community.





② Community in the Permanent Supportive Housing Model: Applications to Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Andrea Hetling ,Amy Dunford &Hilary Botein


A key aspect of permanent supportive housing (PSH) is the community it forms, providing social supports and a sense of home for residents. Only recently, however, have evaluations of PSH examined community as an integral characteristic. For intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors, a new PSH target population, community and social connections are uniquely important. Using a case study of a PSH program for IPV survivors, we explored residents’ experiences of a community. Based on feminist-grounded theory, we conducted in-depth interviews with 13 survivors over a two-year period. Findings indicate that some residents experience community in terms of shared physical space and shared identity and that positive interactions exist. However, the system of supports was fragile and inconsistent. We discuss strategies to strengthen community within PSH, but also argue for an expanded definition of community that reflects the diverse backgrounds and circumstances of residents.





③ Return Intention, Subjective Social Status and Residential Choices of Rural Migrant Worker Households: Evidence from China

Jing Zou &Xiaojun Deng


Rural migrant workers constitute special groups in China whose hukou (household registration) is still in rural areas, but they engage in non-agricultural industry in towns or cities. Based on panel data from the China Labor-force Dynamics Survey (CLDS) in 2012 and 2014, we estimate the effects of return intention and the subjective social status on the residential choices of rural migrant worker households by using a Heckman two-stage model. The results show that return intention has a negative effect on the tenure choices of rural migrant worker households in China but a positive effect on their neighbourhood choices. Furthermore, their residential choices are affected not only by their objective social status (education, occupation, income, etc.) but also by their subjective social status. The subjective social status has a positive effect on the tenure choices of rural migrant worker households in China but a negative effect on their neighbourhood choices.





④ Patterns of Neighboring and Predictors of Neighboring across Race: A Latent Class Analysis

Michael C. Gearhart ,Morgan Bulger,Mark Joseph &Biwen Liu


Residential segregation has created a stark racial and economic divide in the United States. Prior research suggests facilitating social interactions among diverse groups of neighbors is a particularly difficult – and particularly important step in addressing the legacy of segregation in the United States. This study examines patterns of neighboring across race using latent class analysis, and identifies individual characteristics associated with frequent neighboring interactions across race. We found three distinct patterns of neighboring: reluctant neighboring across race, limited neighboring across race, and actively neighboring across race. Our findings highlight the complexity of studying neighboring – particularly neighboring across race, and demonstrate that neighboring typologies warrants future research as it relates to why an individual exhibits a particular pattern of neighboring across race.





⑤ From Residualisation to Individualization? Social Tenants’ Experiences in Post-Olympics East Village

Debbie Humphry


This paper provides an insight into social tenants’ lived experiences in post-Olympics East Village, exploring how they are shaped by new forms of neoliberalism embedded into housing provision. Focusing on allocations policy reform and housing providers’ management strategies in East Village, this paper identifies a shift from patterns of residualisation to individualization, as self-reliant tenants are sought above those most in housing need. The housing provider’s financial responsibilisation and contractual strategies work to construct tenants with enhanced consumer identities, which shift risks from landlord to tenants, at a time when housing providers themselves are facing increased financial risks. The paper considers to what extent social housing discourse is shifting from notions of need to concerns with affordability, and how this exacerbates inequalities between working-class fractions. It is argued that it is not sufficient to simply call for more social rented housing, as social housing providers’ allocation and management practices must also be closely examined.





⑥ Synchrony of Intersecting Temporalities in Young People’s Housing Transitions: Intergenerational Cross-national Comparisons

Ann Nilsen


This paper takes a longer historical view on the topic of young people and housing and examines how intersecting temporalities affect both the timing of moving out of the parental household and the subsequent housing trajectories for three generations in the same families. Synchrony between levels of biographical, family and historical time are important for timing of transitions. A main question addressed is if and how synchrony or lack of such between temporal levels affect biographical decisions in questions of housing and moving out. The paper is based on a study with a case-based cross-national comparative design and involves analysis of cases set in the wider contexts of Norwegian and British societies. In both countries changes at the structural level across generations have affected timing of moving out at the family and biographical levels and thus the synchrony involved in these processes.





⑦ Rethinking Homelessness. Residence and the Sense of Home in the Experience of Homeless People

Marcjanna Nóżka


The objective of this article is to increase the state of knowledge on issues of residence and the sense of home by referring to the statements of homeless people and visual materials documenting the ways of physical and mental construction of the spaces they occupy. I attempt to understand the idea of having a place to live and a home by seeking the opinions of homeless people and the residential practices that characterize them, as the dynamics and forms of these lead to a rethink of what it means to live somewhere as well as to be homeless. On the basis of my own research, conducted in 2013–2016, I point to three factors that I identify as influencing the ways of residence and sense of home: external to the person, mediated by the person, and internal.

