2021Housing Studies, Volume 36, Issue 2.


Housing Studies, Volume 36, Issue 2 (2021)




Conceptualizing the shelter and housing needs and solutions of homeless older adults

1Joe Humphries & Sarah L. Canham

Pages: 157-179


Estimates of the number of homeless older adults are highly variable, but the proportion is expected to increase in Western countries as the general population ages. Much of the current literature on homelessness among older adults focuses on the causes of homelessness in later life, along with the health outcomes and service needs of this population. However, there is a dearth of research investigating potential shelter/housing solutions specific to homeless older adults that would meet their unique needs. This scoping review investigated the needs for housing homeless older adults and potential solutions. Based on thematic analysis of findings from 19 sources of primary research, we developed a conceptual model that suggests distinct, senior-specific needs and shelter/housing solutions of both newly and chronically homeless older adults.





Positionality of women in homeownership: a process of gender contract negotiation

2Albert Adu-Gyamfi, Patrick Brandful Cobbinah & Michael Poku-Boansi

Pages: 180-212


Literature is replete with information indicating that the roles, status and positions of men and women in society have evolved significantly over the years. Yet, there is a little understanding of how such changes have occurred in homeownership attainment in developing countries where there is male dominance. Using Ghana as a case study, this study explores the evolution of women’s role in homeownership. Findings show that although men exercise greater control in terms of investment and ownership, gender contract renegotiations often lead to an increase in women’s participation in homeownership mainly in supportive capacities. Renegotiations have mostly occurred to demystify the normative ideology tying men with the sole responsibility of housing investments. As a consequence, there is evidence of women making financial contributions, supervising construction activities and exploring cost-saving measures to aid the process of family house construction. Generally, findings show that homeownership enhances reproductive roles, uplifts status of men and acknowledges the contributions of women. Similarly, new norms of inheritance supported by statutory and customary law offer ownership stakes to women. In view of this benefit, women tend to be motivated towards providing support for the attainment of family homeownership.





The housing crisis as an ideological artefact: Analysing how political discourse defines, diagnoses, and responds

3Iain White & Gauri Nandedkar

Pages: 213-234


It is a truism that politicians from countries around the world claim to be in the midst of a ‘housing crisis’. But how do they define it, who is affected, and what is the cause? This paper provides a critical evaluation of the emergence and scope of political discourse connected to the housing crisis in New Zealand under three National Party led governments (2008-2017), with a view to better understanding the ways in which the issue has been problematized in politics and operationalized in policy. It finds that although researchers draw upon multiple strands of evidence and recognize housing as a complex problem, the political framing of a housing crisis is simpler and shows a closer relationship to long standing ideological perspectives, notably an inefficient planning system and low supply of development land. This raises critical questions for how housing researchers can better influence politics and challenge both the lived experience of crisis and existing claims of normalcy.





Understanding social housing tenants' rent payment behaviour: evidence from Great Britain

4Paul Hickman

Pages: 235-257


The Governments of many Western countries have been increasingly concerned with influencing the behaviour of their citizens. One way that they have done this is by giving them new responsibilities. In the UK, an example of this is ‘direct payment' which sees social housing tenants in receipt of income-related housing allowance (‘Housing Benefit') assuming responsibility for paying their rent. Drawing on a comprehensive data-set generated by the direct payment pilot evaluation, this paper examines tenants' rent payment behaviour. It draws on a conceptual framework from behavioural science COM-B which presents behaviour (B) as a result of the interaction between the capabilities (C) of subjects, the opportunity (O) they have to enact behaviours, and their motivation (M). Tenants' behaviour was influenced by all elements of the model, with it being more than just a consequence of opportunity, and their financial circumstances, specifically, although it was the most important one.





Urban austerity and activism: direct action against neoliberal housing policies

5Valesca Lima

Pages: 258-277


The struggle for affordable housing reflects the widespread structural tensions that exist between property markets and the provision of housing. Recent years have seen frequent protests that have highlighted problems in the Irish housing sector, along with the emergence of various housing movements, especially in Dublin, where the lack of affordable housing is severe. This paper argues that these campaigns have contributed to the increased public debate on commodified housing models, signalling a strong demand for a coherent and inclusive national housing policy in Ireland. In particular, I examine the activities of the Home Sweet Home movement (HSH), a collective organization of housing activists that occupied the Apollo House building in Dublin’s inner city in 2016–2017. This movement challenged private housing market solutions and the central role played by financialisation in economic and social life. Whilst considering that Ireland is suffering a housing crisis which cannot be easily solved, this paper combines a critical analysis of housing movements that resist neoliberal housing models, the HSH action in this context, and the challenges involved in changing the government’s approach to housing.





To move or not to move? Residential mobility of rural migrants in a medium-sized Chinese city: the case of Yangzhou

6Xu Huang, Jan Van Weesep & Shuangshuang Tang

Pages: 278-301


This article evaluates the residential mobility decisions of rural migrants with a history of living in urban villages in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu province. Many were displaced by its demolition–redevelopment policy (forced movers); some chose to move voluntarily to improve their housing utility (voluntary movers); others decided to stay put in substandard housing (voluntary non-movers). A survey of their current housing conditions revealed that, compared to voluntary non-movers, most forced movers had not become better-off. But the voluntary movers had done much better than both of the other groups, implying that a timely move could have led to their improved housing conditions. However, even voluntary moves proved to have a downside, namely, that voluntary migrants would likely end up living somewhere more remote from coveted facilities and locations of jobs in the inner city. Logistic regression analysis showed how differences in socio-demographic characteristics between voluntary movers and non-movers could explain why some decided to move. For those who decided to stay, the analysis also indicates how the advantages of the current location may compensate for housing deficiencies. These results correspond to the motives migrants expressed in supplementary in-depth interviews: migrants intending to become permanent residents were most likely to move for better housing. The findings also point to structural constraints on residential mobility. For poor migrants without a Jiangsu hukou, moving to better housing was simply not an option. This suggests that further hukou reform is needed if urban redevelopment is not only meant to improve the image of the city but also the migrants’ housing conditions.


本稿は、江蘇省揚州市の都市村に居住経験のある農村移住者の居住移動の意思決定について評価したものである。その多くは、江蘇省揚州市の取り壊し・再開発政策によって住居を追われた者(強制移住者)であり、ある者は住居の効用を向上させるために自発的な移住を選択し(自発的移住者)、またある者は標準以下の住居に留まることを決定した(自発的非移住者)。現在の住宅事情を調査したところ、自主的非移住者に比べ、強制的移住者の大半は収入が向上していないことが判明した。しかし、自主的な引っ越し者は、他の2つのグループよりもはるかに良い結果を出しており、適時の引っ越しが彼らの住宅事情の改善につながった可能性を示唆していた。しかし、自発的な引っ越しにもマイナス面があることがわかった。つまり、自発的な移住者は、都心部の憧れの施設や勤務地から離れた場所に住むことになる可能性が高いということである。ロジスティック回帰分析によると、自主的な移住者とそうでない人との社会人口統計学的特徴の違いが、なぜ一部の人が移住を決めたのかを説明できることがわかった。また、留まることを決めた人々については、現在住んでいる場所の利点が、住居の不足を補う可能性があることが示された。これらの結果は、補足的な詳細聞き取り調査で移民が表明した動機と一致しており、永住を意図する移民はより良い住居を求めて移住する可能性が最も高かった。この調査結果は、住居の移動に対する構造的な制約も指摘している。江蘇省のフクーを持たない貧困層の移民にとって、より良い住宅への移動は単純に選択肢の一つではなかった。このことは、都市再開発が都市のイメージを向上させるだけでなく、出稼ぎ労働者の住宅条件も改善することを意図しているのであれば、 さらなるフクオーの改革が必要であることを示唆して いる。



Planning Australia’s healthy built environments, by Jennifer Kent and Susan Thompson

7Tanya Ekanayake

Pages: 302-303



5 Rules for tomorrow’s cities: Design in an age of demographic change, and a disappearing Middle class, by Patrick M. Condon

8Maria Faraone

Pages: 303-305