Housing Policy Debate, Volume 30, Issue 3 (2020)

Housing Policy Debate, Volume 30, Issue 3 (2020)


1Margaret Dewar, Lan Deng & Melissa Bloem

Challenges for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Projects at Year 15 and Beyond in a Weak Housing Market: The Case of Detroit, Michigan

Margaret Dewar, Lan Deng & Melissa Bloem

Pages: 311-334


Projects financed through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, the largest producer of affordable housing in the United States, face ownership transition after 15 years in service when tax-credit investors leave. In Detroit, Michigan, projects whose transitions were complete but that were subject to additional affordability restrictions fared much worse than national surveys showed. Many projects continued to provide affordable housing, but a share experienced mortgage or tax foreclosure, and many units became permanently uninhabitable, increasing disinvestment in neighborhoods. Projects reaching year 15 from 2016 through 2022 were under considerable financial stress as of 2015 and would likely need financial restructuring. Few high-capacity nonprofit developers existed to assume property ownership. The intervention of mission-driven syndicators helped stabilize numerous projects. Detroit’s experience illustrates the challenges LIHTC projects are likely to face in weak-market cities. Additional studies should investigate the year-15 challenges in diverse housing markets and the efforts to address those challenges.


米国最大の低価格住宅生産者である低所得者向け住宅税額控除(LIHTC)制度で融資されたプロジェクトは、サービス開始から15年後に税額控除の投資家が離れると、所有権の移行に直面します。ミシガン州デトロイトでは、移行は完了したものの、さらなる価格制限を受けたプロジェクトは、全米の調査結果よりもはるかに悪い結果となった。多くのプロジェクトが手頃な価格の住宅を提供し続けたが、そのうちの一部は住宅ローンや税金の差し押さえを受け、多くのユニットが永久に住めなくなり、近隣への投資意欲を減退させることになった。2016年から2022年までの15年目を迎えるプロジェクトは、2015年時点でかなりの財務的ストレスにさらされており、財務リストラが必要になる可能性が高い。不動産の所有権を引き受ける能力の高い非営利デベロッパーはほとんど存在しなかった。ミッション志向のシンジケーターの介入により、多くのプロジェクトが安定化した。デトロイトの経験は、市場の弱い都市でLIHTCプロジェクトが直面する可能性が高い課題を示している。今後、多様な住宅市場における 15 年間の課題とその解決に向けた取り組みを調査する必要がある。



2Margaret M. C.

Associations Between Public Housing Residency and Health Behaviors in a Cross-Sectional Sample of Boston Adults

Margaret M. C. Thomas, Amar J. Mehta, Johnna S. Murphy, Ellen Childs, Brena Figueiredo Sena, Noelle Dimitri, Daniel P. Dooley, John Kane, Aileen Shen, Eugene Barros, Margaret Reid & Sara S. Bachman

Pages: 335-347


This study aims to provide improved estimates of the association between public housing development (PHD) residency and health behavior outcomes, accounting for sources of confounding frequently overlooked in prior research. We combined novel data from two health surveys fielded in Boston, Massachusetts, in 2015–2016. We fit a propensity score model of PHD residency to generate inverse probability of treatment weights, which work to synthesize as-good-as random assignment to PHD residency. We estimated sample average treatment effects using weighted logistic regression for PHD residency and amount of water consumption, primary water source, sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption, and current smoking. Our main results indicate that compared with non-PHD residents, PHD residents in our sample have statistically significantly higher probabilities of adverse health behaviors, including a 9% lower probability of consuming tap water (vs. bottled), 12% greater probability of consuming any SSB monthly (vs. none), and 6% greater probability of currently smoking. Our findings indicate that PHD residency may be associated with adverse health behaviors and therefore suggests the urgency of better understanding this association to develop housing policy that supports the health of PHD residents.





3Zicheng Wang, Jiachun Liu & Juan Ming

Owned a House in an Urban Destination or Made Housing Investments in the Hometown? Determinants of Rural Migrants’ Housing Attainments in China

Zicheng Wang, Jiachun Liu & Juan Ming

Pages: 348-369


Purchasing a house in origin cities or towns has become a new trend in housing trajectories for rural migrants in China, whereas previous studies focus mainly on determinants of housing tenure for rural migrants in urban destinations. Using a recent national survey called the National Migrants Population Dynamic Monitoring Survey (NMPDMS), the present study applies a recursive multivariate probit model to explore the determinants of migrants’ housing trajectories in the nexus of quasitransnationalism and integration. The results indicate that ties to urban destinations and ties to the hometown have a significant effect on housing attainments between urban destinations and the hometown. Rural migrants with closer ties to urban destinations and weaker ties to the hometown are more likely to be homeowners in the urban destinations. Conversely, they are more prone to make housing investments in the hometown. Both hometown housing activities of having bought a house in the origin city or town and having rebuilt a house in the origin village have significantly negative effects on homeownership in urban destinations, and the housing activity of having rebuilt a house in the origin village also has a significant negative effect on housing purchase in the origin city or town.





4Nicholas J. Marantz & Huixin Zheng

State Affordable Housing Appeals Systems and Access to Opportunity: Evidence From the Northeastern United States

Nicholas J. Marantz & Huixin Zheng

Pages: 370-395


In many U.S. states, local governments exercise extensive control over land-use regulation. Much scholarly research indicates that local restrictions on multifamily residential development have contributed to rapid housing cost increases, particularly in the West Coast and the Northeast. Such evidence has led scholars and policymakers to advocate state intervention in local land-use regulation, in order to constrain local discretion over permitting multifamily housing. This article provides the most comprehensive comparison to date of housing outcomes associated with state affordable housing appeals systems (SAHASs) in the northeastern U.S. SAHASs enable developers of certain below-market-rate and mixed-income housing projects to request an override of local land-use regulation. We describe the essential attributes of a SAHAS and provide empirical data to assess housing outcomes in the four northeastern states where such systems have been adopted – Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Our findings are consistent with previous claims that a SAHAS can increase access to opportunity, and that the Massachusetts system has been particularly effective. We conclude by discussing features of the Massachusetts system that may explain its relative efficacy, and we describe how state and federal policymakers could improve data collection practices related to state intervention in local land-use regulation.





5Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Dorota Szymkowiak & Jack Tsai

Housing Instability and Homeless Program Use Among Veterans: The Intersection of Race, Sex, and Homelessness

Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Dorota Szymkowiak & Jack Tsai

Pages: 396-408


This study describes race/sex differences in housing instability among veterans and examines whether there are disparities in their access of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) homeless programs. The sample comprised 5,355,858 veterans who responded to VHA’s universal screen for housing instability (Homelessness Screening Clinical Reminder) between October 2012 and March 2016. We compared rates of housing instability and VHA homeless program use by race/sex categories; multivariate logistic regressions modeled positive screens for housing instability and use of VHA homeless programs within 6 months. Veterans representing racial groups other than white—regardless of sex—have greater odds of reporting housing instability and using VHA homeless programs. Women veterans have lower odds of screening positive for housing instability. Findings suggest that groups of veterans with the highest rates of housing instability may experience multiple layers of disadvantage; disparities in accessing care among racial minority groups are not apparent.


本研究では、退役軍人の住宅不安における人種・性別の違いを説明し、退役軍人健康管理局(VHA)のホームレスプログラムへのアクセスに格差があるかどうかを検証している。サンプルは,2012 年 10 月~2016 年 3 月に VHA の住宅不安のユニバーサルスクリーン(Homelessness Screening Clinical Reminder)に回答した退役軍人 5,355,858 名を対象とした.住宅不安と VHA ホームレスプログラムの利用率を人種/性別のカテゴリー別に比較し,多変量ロジスティック回帰により,住宅不安の陽性スクリーンと 6 ヵ月以内の VHA ホームレスプログラムの利用をモデル化した.白色以外の人種の退役軍人は、性別に関係なく、住居の不安定さを報告し、VHAホームレスプログラムを利用する確率が高い。女性退役軍人は、住宅不安のスクリーニングで陽性となる確率が低い。この調査結果は、住居が不安定である割合が最も高い退役軍人グループが、何重もの不利な状況を経験している可能性を示唆している。



6Thomas Byrne

“You Don’t See Them on the Streets of Your Town”: Challenges and Strategies for Serving Unstably Housed Veterans in Rural Areas

Thomas Byrne, Meagan Cusack, Gala True, Ann Elizabeth Montgomery & Megan Smith

Pages: 409-430


Research on policy and programmatic responses to homelessness has focused largely on urban areas, with comparatively little attention paid to the rural context. We conducted qualitative interviews with a nationwide sample of rural-serving agencies receiving grants through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Supportive Services for Veteran Families program to better understand the housing needs, available services, needed resources, and challenges in serving homeless and unstably housed veterans in rural areas. Respondents discussed key challenges—identifying unstably housed veterans, providing services within the rural resource context, and leveraging effective collaboration—and strategies to address these challenges. Unmet needs identified included emergency and subsidized long-term housing options, transportation resources, flexible financial resources, and additional funding to support the intensive work required in rural areas. Our findings identify promising programmatic innovations and highlight the need for policy remedies that are responsive to the unique challenges of addressing homelessness and housing instability in rural areas.


ホームレスに対する政策やプログラムの対応に関する研究は、主に都市部に集中しており、農村部の状況には比較的注意が払われていない。私たちは、米国退役軍人省の退役軍人家族支援プログラム(Supportive Services for Veteran Families)の助成金を受けている全国の退役軍人支援団体を対象に、質的インタビューを行い、地方でホームレスや不安定な住居を抱える退役軍人に対応する際の住宅ニーズ、利用できるサービス、必要なリソース、課題などをよりよく理解することができました。回答者は、主な課題(不安定な状態にある退役軍人の特定、農村部の資源を考慮したサービスの提供、効果的な協力関係の活用)と、これらの課題に対処するための戦略について話し合いました。また、緊急避難所や補助金付きの長期住宅、交通手段、柔軟な財源、農村部で必要とされる集中作業を支援するための追加資金など、満たされていないニーズが挙げられました。また、農村部特有のホームレス問題や住宅問題に対応するための政策の必要性も明らかになった。



7Eric Seymour

From REO to Ruin: Post-Foreclosure Pathways and the Production of Decline in Detroit, Michigan

Eric Seymour

Pages: 431-456


Although much has been written about the localized impacts of foreclosed properties, few studies have examined the role of the main actors handling mortgage-reverted properties, particularly the parties responsible for their disposition. Fewer still have examined these trends in historically stable but hard-hit neighborhoods where owner practices are implicated in current conditions. This study examines the likelihood of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the government-sponsored enterprises selling real estate owned homes in the historically stable neighborhoods of Detroit, Michigan, to investors, as well as the likelihood of tax foreclosure following sales to homebuyers and investors. Whereas federal entities were less likely to sell homes to investors, all parties sold a high percentage of homes to investors. Once sold to an investor, the probability of tax foreclosure is extremely high. These results suggest federal and non-federal entities alike are associated with destabilizing and dispossessory outcomes that irreversibly altered these neighborhoods.





8Edward G. Goetz & Yi Wang

Overriding Exclusion: Compliance With Subsidized Housing Incentives in the Massachusetts 40B Program

Edward G. Goetz & Yi Wang

Pages: 457-479


Exclusionary land-use policies implemented by local governments over decades have contributed to the spatial concentration of publicly subsidized housing in central cities and the development and preservation of affluent, racially homogeneous communities elsewhere. Various policy responses have been developed to overcome local regulatory barriers. In this article we examine one of the longest-standing initiatives, the Chapter 40B permit override policy of the State of Massachusetts, and the pattern of subsidized housing development across all municipalities in the state. Between 1997 and 2017, the subsidized housing stock in Massachusetts increased by 58,975 units, rising from 7.8% of the housing stock statewide to 9.2%. Within the Boston metropolitan area, the subsidized stock increased by 37,417 units over this time period, increasing from 9.2% to 10.3% of the metro area’s housing. Cities and towns in Massachusetts made steady progress in subsidized housing production over these years but did so unevenly. Boston metro area cities made the most progress. Multivariate analysis indicates that cities with higher percentage white population produced the least subsidized housing over the study period.

