2021Journal of Housing Economics52


Journal of Housing Economics52



Banking deregulation and homeownership Author links open overlay panel

1Zhenguo Lin, Yingchun Liu, Jia Xie


This paper studies how banking deregulation affects homeownership. Exploiting the U.S. intra-state and inter-state banking deregulations from 1980s to early 1990s, we find that an exogenous expansion of bank branches increases renters likelihood of becoming homeowners as much as 8.7 percentage points. In addition, the impact is larger on households with low income and high debt-to-income ratios. Our estimated impacts are larger than those estimated from state-level data, suggesting that the heterogeneous effects among households are important towards home ownership. Our findings are robust to potential sample selection bias and functional misspecifications.





Housing rent rigidity under downward pressure: Unit-level longitudinal evidence from Tokyo

2Masatomo Suzuki, Yasushi Asami, Chihiro Shimizu


This paper documents housing rent rigidity under downward pressure, using the monthly household/room-level movement of housing rents through tenancies and vacancies in Tokyo during the period 2000Q1–2017Q2. The consistent overall rent rigidity exists because of the small extensive margin (limited adjustment opportunity) and small intensive margin (rare adjustment in the contract renewal stage). We observe rent rigidity leading to a “tenure surcharge,” that is, sitting tenants pay higher rents than the market rent level because the alternative—high moving costs for tenants—is less attractive. The downward rent rigidity obviously cannot rationalize the conventional explanation of upward rent rigidity in an inflationary context, such as depreciation and/or tenure discount. We show, however, that landlords care about retaining good long-term tenants by offering a small discount during the tenancy, along with a small degree of time/state-dependent adjustments.





Is the behavior of sellers with expected gains and losses relevant to cycles in house prices?

3Tingyu Zhou, John M Clapp, Ran Lu-Andrews


We examine anchoring to the price paid at purchase during an important cycle in Connecticut, 2000–2017 which is similar to cycles in many other states. Our repeat sales model, which mitigates endogeneity and unobserved heterogeneity, provides robust estimates of negotiated price premiums (discounts) of sellers with expected losses (expected gains). Our model bridges from individual to aggregate price responses, and it supports new stylized facts about housing market cycles. Results suggest that anchoring was associated with reductions in observed changes in house prices during the boom (2004–2006) as sellers with gains dominate with their price discounts, and with reduced price declines during the bust (2007–2012) when the behavior of those with losses becomes important. Additional results making minimal model assumptions suggest that loss behavior is statistically significant and important at turning points, i.e., during the transition from a boom to a bust and vice versa. Double mean differences suggest that those with losses used the mild recovery as an opportunity to realize losses at reduced premiums after long delays.





Housing price appreciation and economic integration in a transition economy: Evidence from Kazakhstan

4Galina An, Charles Becker, Enoch Cheng


This paper explores patterns of real estate price movements in an emerging upper-middle income economy, Kazakhstan. The country experienced an explosive, 11-fold increase in real housing prices in urban areas between 2000 and 2007, followed by a sharp decline and stabilization. This paper traces the movements across different regions, types of housing, unit size categories, and neighborhood types. We find that prices moved together closely, implying a linked, if not unified housing market, along with wealth effects that were felt broadly throughout the urban economy.





The illusion of a hedonic price function: Nonparametric interpretable segmentation for hedonic inference

5Hayato Nishi, Yasushi Asami, Chihiro Shimizu


In housing markets, one bundle of characteristics is regarded as corresponding to a single price via a hedonic function. However, under the conditions of market mixture, the correspondence can be multi-valued and the existence of a single function is an illusion. The market segmentation approach decomposes a complex correspondence into simple functions. In this paper, we propose an automatic segmentation method that satisfies the submarket’s equilibrium and substitutability conditions. Our empirical results show that our method provides a reasonable segmentation.





Unexpected housing wealth appreciation and stock market participation

6Dongmin Kong, Yawen Cheng, Shasha Liu


This study examines the causal effects of housing wealth appreciation on the stock market participation of households in China. Households that purchase a house with an area less than or equal to 90 m2 faced a significantly lower down payment following the unexpected announcements of a series of policies beginning in 2006, thus creating discontinuity in house size and a housing price jump around the cutoff point. Using the policy shock to implement a regression discontinuity design, we find the following: (1) Unexpected housing wealth appreciation substantially promotes households’ stock market participation. (2) The housing wealth effect relaxes households’ liquidity constraints and thus encourages them to invest in stocks. (3) The housing wealth effect is pronounced among younger individuals and employees of state-owned enterprises. Our findings support the positive housing wealth effect on stock market participation and provide clear policy implications for regulators.





Price regulation, inflation, and nominal rigidity in housing rents

7Conor O’Toole, Maria Martinez-Cillero, Achim Ahrens


In this paper, we explore the impact of a 4 per cent inflation control on price changes for rental contracts in Ireland. Testing across the price distribution, we explore the cap’s impact on the share of the market experiencing: 1) a price decline; 2) unchanged rents (nominal rigidity); 3) a positive growth rate below the cap; 4) the maximum allowable growth (4%); and 5) growth above the cap. Our identification strategy uses a contiguous border difference-in-difference approach on a novel property-level tenancy panel. We find the overall rent growth rate fell by 1–2 percentage points following the regulations. However, we find different impacts across the distribution: not all high growth rates converged to the cap as the distribution generally shifted to the left and nominal rigidity rose. Furthermore, we find some inflationary pressures on rents that previously were unchanged as landlords priced up to the cap. Heterogeneous effects by company or household landlord are evident.


本稿では、アイルランドの賃貸契約における価格変動に対する4 %のインフレ抑制の影響について検討する。価格分布全体でテストすることで、1)価格の下落、2)賃料不変(名目硬直性)、3)上限を下回るプラス成長率、4)最大許容成長率 (4%)、および 5)上限を上回る成長を経験する市場シェアに対する上限の影響について検討する。私たちの識別戦略では、新しい物件レベルの賃貸パネルで連続境界差分アプローチを使用している。規制後、全体的な賃料成長率は1~2パーセントポイント低下したことがわかった。ただし、分布全体で異なる影響がわかった。分布は一般に左にシフトし、名目硬直性が上昇したため、すべての高い成長率が上限に収束したわけではない。さらに、家主が上限まで賃料を値上げしたため、以前は不変だった賃料にインフレ圧力がかかっていることがわかった。企業家主または世帯家主による不均一な影響は明らかである。



Quantifying Return Spillovers in Global Real Estate Markets

8Abraham Agyemang, Iftekhar Chowdhury, Faruk Balli


This study quantifies return spillovers among global real estate markets and provides new evidence on the determinants of such spillovers. We utilize a sample of 18 real estate markets covering four decades and find that the U.K. and the U.S. are the largest transmitters. In contrast, France, followed by Italy, Finland, and Ireland, are the heaviest recipients of return shocks. We notice a sharp spike and upward trend in spillovers after GFC, followed by the European sovereign debt crisis and the recent Brexit episodes. Importantly, we report that bilateral trade linkages foster pair-wise return spillovers. Our findings suggest that positive economic sentiments and bullish periods in other asset classes ease return spillovers. The presence of dynamics in return spillovers during stable and stress periods is insightful in return predictability and devising effective investment strategies. Our overall results are robust to several sensitivity checks.

