Critical housing analysis7(1).(2020)

Critical housing analysis7(1).



①Rethinking the Concept of ‘Housing Regime’

Hannu Ruonavaara


‘Housing regime’ is a term that is used relatively often in (macrosocial) research comparing housing policies and systems. However, there is no generally accepted definition of this term. In this paper I shall first scrutinise previous uses of the concept, starting with a discussion of the most famous regime concept – the welfare regime. The discussion paves the way for a redefinition of a ‘housing regime’: the set of fundamental principles according to which housing provision operates in some defined area (municipality, region, state) at a particular point in time. Such principles are thought to be embodied in the institutional arrangements that relate to housing provision, in the political interventions that address housing issues, and as in the discourses through which housing issues are customarily understood. This definition is compatible with the path-dependence approach that has been adopted here and with the aspects of reality that researchers want to capture using the ‘regime’ concept.





②Incremental Change in Housing Regimes: Some Theoretical Propositions with Empirical Illustrations

Bo Bengtsson, Sebastian Kohl


The durable structures of housing and housing institutions are often subject to long-term processes of incremental change. Nevertheless, housing studies have largely focused either on static snapshots of policies or, more recently, on the inertia of institutional path dependence, while processes of incremental change have been almost entirely neglected. Political scientists (Streeck/Thelen/Mahoney) have proposed a typology of patterns of incremental institutional change, and this paper explores the applicability of this typology to housing structures and housing institutions. We draw on empirical illustrations from the housing literature to show how five types of change – layering, conversion, displacement, drift, exhaustion – apply to housing structures and institutions. We conclude with some general observations on how the typology can be used in further studies of developments in national housing regimes.


住宅と住宅制度の持続的な構造は,しばしば長期的な漸進的な変化のプロセスにさらされる。それにもかかわらず,住宅研究は,政策の静態的なスナップショットに主に焦点を当ててきたか,あるいは最近では制度の経路依存性の慣性に焦点を当ててきたものの,その一方で,漸進的な変化のプロセスはほとんど完全に無視されてきた。政治学者(Streeck、Thelen、Mahoney)は,漸進的な制度的変化のパターンの類型論を提案しており,本論文では,この類型論の住宅構造と住宅制度への適用可能性を探る。我々は,住宅文献からの経験的な図解を用いて,5 つのタイプの変化――重層化,制度転用,制度置換,制度配置,制度疲労――がどのように住宅構造と住宅制度に適用されるかを示す。最後に,この類型論がどのようにして国の住宅レジームにおける発展のさらなる研究に使用できるかについて,いくつかの一般的な見解を述べて締めくくっている。



③ Using Path Dependence Theory to Explain Housing Regime Change: The Traps of Super-Homeownership

Martin Lux, Petr Sunega


The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of path dependence theory to explain the convergence of housing regimes among post-socialist countries, both at the beginning and in the later phases of housing-regime transformation. We especially seek to show the selected common traps that were recently created by the legacy of giveaway privatisation and the super-homeownership regime, traps that increase intergenerational inequality, which to now has been effectively mitigated by within-family financial transfers.





④ Classifying Housing Regimes. Is it Worth Doing? What are the Alternatives?

Michael Ball


Comparative housing research is hindered by attempts to provide broad empirical categorisations of types of Housing Regimes and their equivalents and sweeping cross-country generalisations about their effects. Regime theory is right to recognise the housing provision is and can be organised in different ways but proselytises too strongly. Real issues and policy debates in countries are instead embedded in the existence of specific, tenure related, networks of housing provision and they widely differ across the world. Taking that on board can lead to more fruitful understandings.





⑤ Understanding Housing Development in New European Member States - a Housing Regime Approach

József Hegedüs


The paper will address the development of housing regimes in the new EU member states, introducing the analytical framework of a housing sector matrix to classify forms of housing by tenure and integration mechanism. Thus, our housing sector matrix combines two common approaches: the structure of housing provision (Ball and Harloe 1992) and the tenure-focused approach (Kemeny 1981, 1995). Starting from this rough typology of housing provisions, we also take further factors that have a major impact on the behaviour of stakeholders/actors into consideration, namely the legal/regulatory environment and the subsidy/tax system, to define the housing regimes. In its analysing of the development of the new member states the paper differentiates between global factors (economic development model, countries’ position in global economic structures, etc.) and local factors like the political/power structure, mainstream social ideology, the interplay between different stakeholders, etc. Institutional analyses (Bengtsson and Ruonavaara 2010) that take path-dependent factors into account are thus best able to address the process by which new housing regimes emerged in post-socialist countries and the degree to which we find convergence/divergence trends. The paper analyses three junctures in the development process after 1990: radical changes after the collapse of the old system; the development of the mortgage market and the regulation of the social sector at the turn of 2000; and reactions to the financial crisis of 2008. The paper concludes that the new member states are following the same trajectory despite their institutional differences.


本論文では、新EU加盟国における住宅レジームの発展を取り上げ、住宅の形態をテニュアと統合メカニズムによって分類するための住宅セクターのマトリクスの分析的枠組みを導入する。したがって、我々の住宅セクターマトリックスは、2つの共通のアプローチを組み合わせたものである。それらは、住宅供給の構造(Ball and Harloe 1992)とテニュアに焦点を当てたアプローチ(Kemeny 1981, 1995)である。住宅供給のこの大まかな類型論から出発して、我々はまた、住宅制度を定義するために、利害関係者/アクターの行動に大きな影響を与えるさらなる要因、すなわち、法的/規制環境と補助金/税制を考慮に入れている。新加盟国の発展を分析する際には、グローバルな要因(経済発展モデル、グローバルな経済構造における各国の地位など)と、政治・権力構造、主流の社会イデオロギー、異なる利害関係者間の相互作用などのローカルな要因とを区別している。したがって、経路依存的な要因を考慮に入れた制度分析(Bengtsson and Ruonavaara 2010)は、ポスト社会主義国において新たな住宅レジームがどのようにして出現したのか、また、収斂/分岐の傾向をどの程度見出すことができるのか、という点に最も適している。本論文では、1990 年以降の発展過程における 3 つの分岐点、すなわち、旧体制崩壊後の急激な変化、2000 年に入ってからの住宅ローン市場の発展と社会セクターの規制、そして 2008 年の金融危機への対応を分析している。本論文では、新しい加盟国は、制度的な違いにもかかわらず、同じ軌跡をたどっていると結論づけている。



⑥ Integrating Varieties of Capitalism, Welfare Regimes, and Housing at Multiple Levels and in the Long Run

Walter Matznetter


The title conveys all the elements of this article. The typologies of capitalist economies, the typologies of welfare regimes, and the typologies of rental and owner-occupied housing regimes should be synchronised and combined, not selectively, but systematically. Integration will have to determine the multiple levels to which these typologies can be applied and on which they can interact. Owing to the persistence of housing institutions and buildings, a long-term (historical) view is also suggested – at all levels of analysis.





⑦Comparing Local Instead of National Housing Regimes? Towards International Comparative Housing Research 2.0.

Joris Hoekstra


This paper makes a plea for a new form of international comparative housing research, in which not countries (national housing regimes) but cities or regions (local housing regimes) are the unit of analysis. Why do we need such a new comparative research approach? How can a local housing regime be conceptualised? By answering these questions, the paper attempts to lay the conceptual foundation for international comparative housing research 2.0.





⑧ Exploring Young Europeans’ Homeownership Opportunities

Caroline Dewilde


Even before the 2008/9-crisis but certainly afterwards, trends in labour, housing and mortgage markets combined with welfare reform, making it more difficult for each new cohort of young Europeans (25-34) to complete the transition to ‘residential independence’, particularly to become a homeowner. This paper explores ‘trends in homeownership opportunities’, using data from EU-SILC (2005-2018). It takes a broader perspective by exploring trends in its social selectivity, as well as changes in the ‘attributes’ of homeownership over time. Young adults’ homeownership opportunities have declined almost everywhere in Europe, but to varying extents. Furthermore, a more socially selective group of young homeowners seems to be entering properties of lower quality in locations with fewer services. Deteriorating homeownership opportunities are strongly associated with mortgage lending restrictions, indicating that trends in housing and broader financial markets/policies are important explanatory factors. I also find indications that the transition to homeownership is being pushed beyond the commonly-used age-threshold of 34 years.





⑨ Towards a Political Economy of the Private Rental Sector

Michael Byrne


This article sets out a theoretical framework for the political economy of the private rental sector, with a particular focus on the question of inequality. It brings together three existing bodies of research. First, macro-accounts of social stratification and wealth inequality. Second, Marxian critiques of the antagonism between accumulation and social reproduction. Third, qualitative accounts of tenants’ experiences of housing inequality. The article synthesizes these three literatures to put forward a political economy approach which can capture the multi-dimensional and multi-scale nature of both ‘housing’ and ‘home’ in the private rental sector. In so doing, it contributes to recent research on ‘generation rent’, in particular the related class and generational inequalities, as well as wider debates on the political economy of housing.


本稿では、特に不平等の問題に焦点を当てて、民間賃貸部門の政治経済の理論的枠組みを構築する。これは、既存の 3 つの研究をまとめたものである。第一に、社会階層と富の不平等のマクロな評価。第二に、資本蓄積と社会的再生産との間の拮抗に関するマルクス的批判。第三に、住宅の不平等に関する入居者の経験の質的な説明である。本稿では、これら3つの文献を総合して、民間賃貸セクターにおける「住宅」と「家」の両方の多次元的でマルチスケールな性質を捉えることができる政治経済学的アプローチを提唱している。そうすることで、それは「世代家賃」に関する最近の研究、特に関連する階級や世代間の不平等だけでなく、住宅の政治経済に関するより広い議論にも貢献している。



⑩ Financialised Privatisation, Affordable Housing and Institutional Investment: The Case of England

Gertjan Wijburg, Richard Waldron


Historically, public and affordable housing has been provided by the state in close conjunction with local authorities, public housing developers, and other social housing providers. Yet, affordable rental homes are now increasingly being managed, produced, or acquired by private equity firms and other institutional investors. In this contribution, we argue that ‘financialised privatisation’ is a helpful concept for understanding these shifts in state-finance compromises within the post-crisis affordable housing sector. Drawing on the case of England, we first discuss the major mechanisms of financialised privatisation and examine how an increasingly polymorphous affordable housing sector has emerged with a focus on multi-tenure and mixed-income housing tenures. We then discuss the possible challenges of this transformation and conclude that it remains very much a question whether a privately funded housing system will emerge that provides genuinely affordable housing and reduces inequalities.





⑪ Subsidised Housing? The Paradoxical Imaginaries of Finnish Non-Profit Rental Housing

Johanna Lilius, Kimmo Lapintie


As a developed welfare state, Finland has a long history of and continuing political support for housing policies, ranging from non-profit rental housing to owner-occupied housing supported by tax deductions. The current neoliberal critique, however, has questioned the efficiency and moral foundations of the established policies. This critique has taken as its target the difference between market rents and non-profit rents, citing this as an instance of ‘alternative costs’ for the city and, as such, as a form of subsidy that is unjustly distributed. However, the full picture of different housing subsidies – including those received by owner-occupiers – is not usually considered.  The paper concludes that the current debate does not take into account the ways in which different subsidies interact in the approaches used to provide affordable housing in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. As such the critique becomes tacitly political, although it is represented in terms of rationality and justice.


先進的な福祉国家であるフィンランドは、非営利の賃貸住宅から税控除に支えられた持ち家住宅に至るまで、住宅政策の長い歴史と政治的な支持を継続してきた。しかし、現在の新自由主義的批判は、確立された政策の効率性と道徳的基盤に疑問を呈している。この批判は、市場の家賃と非営利の家賃の差を対象とし、これを都市にとっての「代替コスト」の一例として、また、そのようなものとして、不当に分配される補助金の形態として引用している。しかし、さまざまな住宅補助金の全体像は、持ち家が受け取るものも含めて、通常は考慮されていない。 本稿では、現在の議論では、ヘルシンキ首都圏で手頃な価格の住宅を提供するために使用されるアプローチにおいて、さまざまな補助金が相互に作用する方法を考慮に入れていないと結論づけている。そのような批判は、合理性と正義の観点から表現されているにもかかわらず、暗黙のうちに政治的なものとなっている。