2021Housing, Theory and Society, Volume 38, Issue 2

Housing, Theory and Society, Volume 38, Issue 2 (2021)


1Lynda Cheshire, Hazel Easthope & Charlotte ten Have

Unneighbourliness and the Unmaking of Home

Lynda Cheshire, Hazel Easthope & Charlotte ten Have

Pages: 133-151


Dwellings become home through the social, emotional and psychological meanings that dwellers attach to them. These meanings often revolve around home as a haven, a site of autonomy and a vehicle for the expression of social status. Yet, homes can also be unmade, not only through external acts of ‘domicide’, but also through networks of local social relations in which homes are embedded, such as those with neighbours. This paper explores the role of “unneighbourliness” in home unmaking as recounted by clients of neighbourhood mediation services in Queensland, Australia. It shows that disputes with neighbours can undermine one’s sense of home as haven, autonomy and status. But it also reveals how home (un)making occurs as a dialectic in the context of physical proximity and shared boundaries between residential dwellings where the homemaking practices of one neighbour spill over into, and impede, the sense of home of another.





2Zahra Nasreen & Kristian. J. Ruming

Shared Room Housing and Home: Unpacking the Home-making Practices of Shared Room Tenants in Sydney, Australia

Zahra Nasreen & Kristian. J. Ruming

Pages: 152-172


Shared room housing is a growing private rental submarket, which offers flexible and affordable rental sub-lettings for sharing a bedroom or living room with non-related tenants. However, research exploring the living experiences and home-making practices of shared room tenants is sparse. Drawing on an empirical base of shared room housing experiences in Sydney (online survey n = 103, in-depth interviews n = 35), this paper provides insights on how these residents strive to achieve the material, social and emotional elements of home while dealing with insecure occupancies and maintaining multiplex relations with non-related roommates and housemates. In response to shifting spatial, material and social configurations, home in shared room housing emerges as an ever-changing process of (re)making and unmaking.





3Maurie J. Cohen

New Conceptions of Sufficient Home Size in High-Income Countries: Are We Approaching a Sustainable Consumption Transition?

Maurie J. Cohen

Pages: 173-203


Housing plays a significant role in impelling demand for natural resources and driving economic growth in high-income countries. Public policies, commercial prerogatives, and other inducements have encouraged construction and occupancy of ever-larger homes and this pattern has persisted in the face of decreasing household size, declining fertility, ageing populations, and increasing complexity of domestic relationships. This situation has created a perverse mismatch between available housing stocks and residential requirements. Additionally, imperatives to curtail greenhouse-gas emissions and to hasten progress on the United Nations 2030 Agenda demand new planning priorities. Building on the sufficiency turn in the field of sustainable consumption, this paper first formulates parameters for estimating an environmentally tenable and globally equitable amount of per person living area. It then highlights five emblematic cases of “space-efficient” housing. While acknowledging that prevalent spatial norms are evolving, the conclusion discusses the profound challenges of achieving a successful sustainable consumption transition.





4Zainab Ibrahim Abass & Richard Tucker

Talk on the Street: The Impact of Good Streetscape Design on Neighbourhood Experience in Low-density Suburbs

Zainab Ibrahim Abass & Richard Tucker

Pages: 204-227


This paper examines the impact of streetscape design on correlates of social interaction in low-density suburbs. While much research has investigated the impact on social interaction of the physical environment in high-density contexts, few studies have found evidence elucidating how neighbourhood design can improve suburban social interaction. Analyses examined the extent to which three “neighbourhood experience” factors – Neighbourhood contentment; Active socializing and Accessibility – are impacted by the acceptable provision of some streetscape characteristics. The findings show that neighbourhood experience was significantly different between three suburbs, and that good streetscape design had significantly predicted Neighbourhood contentment and Accessibility, even when allowing for the interaction of socio-demographic variables. It was also found that social demographic characteristics – in particular length of residence, but also the number of children and income – significantly impact Active socializing and have independent influence compared to physical design.





5Shlomit Flint-Ashery & Nurit Stadler

Dynamics of Transcendence and Urbanism: The Latent Mechanisms of Everyday Religious Life and City Spaces

Shlomit Flint-Ashery & Nurit Stadler

Pages: 228-251


This paper examines the negotiated everyday experiences of Jewish Litvish people in London and Jerusalem, exploring ideas of transcendence and immanence in these spaces. By uncovering the relations between religious identity and boundary-making in urban settings, the paper exposes the latent social, organizational, and spatial mechanisms that determine communal demarcation lines in the everyday life of city spaces. We argue that to examine such processes, one must refer to the social system that drives local processes and the values that communities draw their strength from. Empirically, we compare the mechanisms the Haredi (strictly orthodox Jews) -Litvish communities in Jerusalem and London use to delineate areas between immanence and transcendence in city life. The findings point to planners’ need to better understand how individuals cooperate and how community leaders are involved in developing urban structure.





6Timothy Blackwell

Welfare and the Great Recession. A Comparative Study

edited by Stefán Ólafsson, Mary Daly, Olli Kangas, and Joakim Palme, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, 334 pp., £65.00 (Hardback), ISBN: 978-0-19-883096-2

Timothy Blackwell

Pages: 252-254



7Mike Berry

Housing Policy in Australia: A Case for System Reform

by H. Pawson V. Milligan and J. Yates, Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 368 pp., £72.79 (hardback), ISBN 978-981-15-0779-3

Mike Berry

Pages: 254-257